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CLEAResult readies support for Ontario’s new and enhanced energy efficiency programs

Austin, TX (October 6, 2022)—CLEAResult, the largest provider of energy efficiency services in Canada for residential and commercial and industrial (C&I) customers, is gearing up to quickly support the new and expanded energy savings programs announced by Ontario’s Ministry of Energy, Todd Smith, on Tuesday.

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Who will benefit the most from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)?

While the IRA has something for everyone, the most extensive benefits are focused on low-and moderate-income customers (LMI). Traditionally, these folks pay much higher proportions of their household income toward electricity, and therefore, need the most help. Since many LMI communities also live in the least energy-efficient homes, the opportunity for energy savings is even greater. Every improvement made will reduce energy demands, giving utilities a much-needed break.

How will federal funds be released?

The funding for most energy efficiency incentives will be distributed on a local level by state energy offices. Each state will have the opportunity to apply or request funds to support the IRA legislation. The details of the application process have not yet been determined. This is different from the 2008 American Recovery and Re-investment Act (ARRA) where states were directly allocated funds.

What are the timelines?

Timelines and commitments are still being determined. Legislators are optimistic that the state energy office application process will start in early 2023, and incentives will begin rolling out to customers in the second half of 2023. Stay tuned for more updates—we’re just as eager to learn more.

Will people be allowed to “double dip” incentives?

“Double dipping” is an industry term for when customers receive different rebates for the same work. The IRA specifically says that customers will not be able to access rebates from both the “HOMES Rebate Program” and “The High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program” for the same measure or work. However, people will likely be able to claim tax credits, in addition to the rebates.

How will the Inflation Reduction Act directly impact me? 

All the programs and initiatives established through the IRA will be designed to help lower your energy costs and make it easier to transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy choices. The IRA specifically provides:

  • Direct funding for energy efficiency improvements

  • A path to create new state rebate programs

  • Plans for contractor training grants

  • Modified, extended and new tax credits for a variety of energy conservation methods and alternative energy sources