Energetics Co-Authors DOE Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released its Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap, a foundational new report that lays out a comprehensive strategy for reducing industrial sector carbon dioxide emissions. Two Energetics senior scientists, Caroline Dollinger and Heather Liddell, co-authored the report with Joe Cresko of the DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office (report lead), Alberta Carpenter of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Ed Rightor of ACEEE, and other top experts from government and industry.
The roadmap emphasizes both the challenge and the urgency of dramatically cutting carbon emissions and pollution from the industrial sector, which accounts for 30% of domestic greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and is one of the most difficult to decarbonize. The roadmap focuses on five industries that together emit over 50% of industry’s energy-related CO2: petroleum refining, chemicals, iron and steel, cement, and food and beverage products. The strategy to mitigate these emissions involves four cross-cutting technological pillars:
- Energy efficiency
- Industrial electrification
- Low-carbon fuels, feedstocks, and energy sources
- Carbon capture, utilization, and storage
To leverage these opportunities effectively, the roadmap strategy includes a staged research, development, and demonstration agenda for industry and government. The roadmap also recognizes the critical role of environmental justice and energy equity in meeting these climate goals in ways that lift all citizens, now and in the future. The Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap is available on the DOE website.